Monday, 28 November 2011


  •                                                              Initial proposal



I will be looking at talent shows as a genre and how as a pure entertainment form- it represents people and their personality through the constructed medium of television. How the seemingly unscripted nature of reality TV is constructed within a deliberately designed framework, reflecting societal values. I will be specifically looking at how through heavy use of editing the producers/editors of a show construct situations in order to appeal to an audience. I will also be discussing how filmic roles such as hero/villain still apply to the genre of reality TV, as producers wish to create a narrative and set up traditional narrative threads such as the underdog rising to fame or romance plots, which may be emphasised or fabricated in some way to cater to an audience. I will be using Susan Boyle and her Britain’s Got Talent success story as an example of a constructed narrative- how through editing she was purposely represented to defy expectation and be the underdog story that would appeal to the world. Depending on how far I get in my own application for Britain’s Got Talent, I may also give some personal insight from an audition perspective.

Bibliography ( early)

The basic plan

-      Research/discussion on the importance of editing in talent shows

-      How editors/producers of talent shows use the basic story/character archetypes to create a narrative that appeals to an auidience

-      Case study – analysis of the Britain’s Got Talent Susan Boyle clip to discuss editing 
techniques and portrayal of character

- Blog to be used to record experience/thoughts on  my BGT experience (as little or as far as I get) and on my identity as a country singer.